appologies for the late posting [though if you find yourself here b/c i e-mailed you, this isn't really new information, and if you find yourself here by some other means, then you really have no notion of timeliness in the first place...]
This wednesday's reading will be huge. Two extremely [multi]talented poets too little heard on the New York stage: Mónica de la Torre and Kristin Prevallet. Both are constant contributers to the poetry community, and now you can come hear their actual poetry. What a novel thought.
Mónica de la Torre is co-author of the artist book Appendices, Illustrations
& Notes. She translated a volume of selected poems by Gerardo Deniz
published by Lost Roads and, with Michael Wiegers, co-edited Reversible
Monuments: Contemporary Mexican Poetry. Her first collection of poetry, Talk
Shows, is forthcoming from Switchback Books early next year.
Find work here, here and here. Here is a nice write up about Monica by Mary Jo Bang
Kristin Prevallet is a poet, essayist, and translator; she is the author of
Scratch Sides: Poetry, Documentation, and Image-text Projects (Skanky
Possum, 2003) and SHADOW EVIDENCE INTELLIGENCE (Factory School, 2006). She
received a 2004 PEN translation fund award for her translations of Sony
Labou Tansi. She lives in Brooklyn.
Find work here, here and here. A great essay she wrote for Fence. Her EPC author page [no doubt a bit outdated, but really, who wouldn't want an EPC page. a blog seems puny in comparison]