Vacation House [ for those without one]

Summer poetry readings at McNally Robinson Bookstore 50 Prince Street (b/t Lafayette and Mulberry)

Monday, June 26, 2006


appologies for the late posting [though if you find yourself here b/c i e-mailed you, this isn't really new information, and if you find yourself here by some other means, then you really have no notion of timeliness in the first place...]

This wednesday's reading will be huge. Two extremely [multi]talented poets too little heard on the New York stage: Mónica de la Torre and Kristin Prevallet. Both are constant contributers to the poetry community, and now you can come hear their actual poetry. What a novel thought.

Mónica de la Torre is co-author of the artist book Appendices, Illustrations
& Notes. She translated a volume of selected poems by Gerardo Deniz
published by Lost Roads and, with Michael Wiegers, co-edited Reversible
Monuments: Contemporary Mexican Poetry. Her first collection of poetry, Talk
Shows, is forthcoming from Switchback Books early next year.

Find work here, here and here. Here is a nice write up about Monica by Mary Jo Bang

Kristin Prevallet is a poet, essayist, and translator; she is the author of
Scratch Sides: Poetry, Documentation, and Image-text Projects (Skanky
Possum, 2003) and SHADOW EVIDENCE INTELLIGENCE (Factory School, 2006). She
received a 2004 PEN translation fund award for her translations of Sony
Labou Tansi. She lives in Brooklyn.

Find work here, here and here. A great essay she wrote for Fence. Her EPC author page [no doubt a bit outdated, but really, who wouldn't want an EPC page. a blog seems puny in comparison]

Monday, June 12, 2006

Forecast for Wednesday

The thunderous Drew Gardner and Corina Copp will be storming through SoHo this Wednesday at 7 PM. If you miss it you'll be all wet.

Ok, i promise never to do that again. Here's more about the readers from their own mouths:

Corina Copp hails from Lawrence, KS; Boulder, CO; and New Orleans, LA. She
is most recently the author of Play Air (Belladonna* Books, 2005), and the
e-book, Carpeted (Faux Press, 2004). Her poems and reviews have appeared or
are forthcoming from Fence, The Germ, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Pom2,
and Magazine Cypress. She is the Monday Night Reading Series Coordinator at
the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church, and lives in Brooklyn.

Find Work Here, and Here

Drew Gardner is the author of Sugar Pill (Krupskaya 2002) and
Petroleum Hat (Roof 2005). He lives in New York City, where he edits Snare
magazine and teaches workshops at St. Mark's Poetry Project. He conducts the
Poetics Orchestra, an ensemble featuring poetry and structured
improvisation. His weblog, Overlap, was started in 2003.

Find Work Here [get some headphones], Here and Here

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Now Availible in Soothing Poster Format

Courtesy of the lovely/talented Simona Schneider

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Taking Over Yr Summer

Here's where you are going to be, when.

June 14 [Wednesday]--7PM

Corina Copp
Drew Gardner

June 28[Wednesday]--7PM

Kristin Prevallet
Monica de la Torre

July 10[Monday]--7PM

Paul Violi
Sarah Manguso

July 26[Wednesday]--7PM

Jessica Fjeld
Timothy Donnelly

August 8[Wednesday]--7PM

Gary Sullivan
Jim Behrle

August 23[Wednesday]--7PM

Jordan Davis